Request: Please, stop bitching about the music.
Music: Apologise - One Republic - (Timberlake)
Comment rate and subscribe please !!! it is (was) my first video!!! Now the nukes in Supreme commander forged alliance are transformed to powerfull with a realistic radius and a devestating shockwave which disintegrates everything on its path, nukes.That Nuke mod took me 12 hours approximently to make. My mod in the video is based on real nuke blast effects and i have completely modified the damage effects that the nuke causes. Here is the adress of my new updated mod: Youll need to set up a shortcut to your Supcom executable with the following parameters: /windowed 1366 768 /nomusic /nomovie /showlog /log 'Loud-Dev.log' /init '.Git-LOUDbinSupComDataPath. Clone the repository to that folder using your github client of choice. This is a mod for those who didn't like the decreased blast radius of the nuke in Supreme Commander Forged Alliance.In the video you can see the UEF nuke which i haven't change the effect at all cause i like it but i've completely change the radius the damage and all the stuff like that.I will soon post and a video showing the other faction nukes that i am currently modifying. In your Forged Alliance folder, create a new sub-folder called 'Git-LOUD'. Uploaded to YouTube by: Nicholas Papadimitriou