Subject: Re: Checking for updates breaks link to mod pages ( Update: Updated to 0.70.4 today and manually updated the page links to about 10-20 mods. Simply clicked 'Fix download IDs and check for mod updates' IE For Skyrim SE: CBBE, I have three files for, two of which now have the same name, Amazing Follower Tweaks has two of the same name, and Flower Girls has four all with the same name since checking for updates. It also changed the names of the mods so that I cannot tell the difference between the patches and the main files. However, the ones that were checked now are no longer have working links to direct to the mod page. Due to the API rate limit, I hit the 100 per hour limit before it checked everything, so the mods that it was able to check turned black in the 'mod version' column, and the ones that were not checked remained blue.
Unsure if this is a result of the new API stuff or if this is a feature that isn't working correctly? I updated to 0.70.1 today and tested out the 'check for updates' option, even though I'm fairly certain none of my crucial mods needed to be updated.